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10 Oct, 2024

Guide to managing mental health risks in the workplace.

World Mental Health Day 2024

How can a manager tell if a colleague, who normally performs well in a high-pressure environment, has poor mental health?

The World Mental Health Day theme for 2024 is ‘Prioritise Mental Health in The Workplace’. Although the stigma of mental health is reducing, the challenge remains for managers to understand and supervise workplace hazards that present mental health risks.

It’s a challenge made more difficult by a quagmire of mental wellbeing terms flooding through organisations: work place pressures, psychosocial hazards, inclusivity. Couple this with the very personal nature of talking about mental health. And it can be hard to know where to begin.

Are your line managers confident to address mental health risks with colleagues? 

Treating mental health risks with the same level of priority as safety risks, relies on managers asking the right questions. And making it a normal workplace conversation.

  • What are the sources of pressure for the team?
  • Could that pressure lead to stress down the line?
  • What action plan could reduce it?
  • What’s the correct language to use?

Get started by taking a look at the quick guide we’ve attached for you, .


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