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Improving health, safety and wellbeing

Babcock: Engaging Babcock in 7 Home Safe Commitments

We supported Babcock to launch and embed their home safe commitments – 7 things everyone must always do to get home safe every day.

The challenge
Babcock’s ambition is for everyone to go home safe every day.

They identified 7 commitments that would guide everyone in playing their part in getting home safe. The challenge was to launch and embed those commitments throughout the business, making them relevant to everyone, no matter what role they played in the business.

Our solution
We developed a year long, multiple channel engagement campaign focused on the 7 commitments.

The campaign started with an all-staff team conversation to introduce the commitment and enable teams to explore why they are important and what they mean in the context of the work they do.

The launch was supported with a video from Senior Executives making their personal pledge to the commitments and an animation that shared the aspiration of getting home safe every day and how everyone has a part to play.

Throughout the year team conversation tool kits were released – one for each of the commitments. Enabling teams to have a deeper dive conversation about that particular commitment and how they can make it part of their day-to-day work.

A one week Home Safe Summit bought together leaders from around the world to discuss their role in creating the conditions that would enable their teams to deliver on the commitments.

The campaign culminated with a personal commitment showreel.

Teams and individuals were encouraged to send in photos of their pledges to live by the commitments. Those pledges were edited together into a single picture of how colleagues from around the world were supporting the commitments.


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