21 Mar, 2024

Green-washer to transformer – where are you on your environmental sustainability journey?

This weekend as the world celebrates earth hour, businesses will encourage their employees to spend one hour doing something positive for our planet in a collective effort to make a difference.

But what about the businesses themselves and their efforts to make a difference?  They’re likely to have set and broadcast stretching environmental sustainability goals. But are they just  ‘greenwashing’ or are they really transforming their business to deliver those promises?

We talk to leaders at every step on their environmental sustainability journey. In those conversations it’s clear that taking people from ‘recycling coffee cups’ to ensuring the ‘long-term success’ of our business, requires transformational change and a big shift in mindset for everyone. From the board to the executive team, to procurement to finance, to HR to operational colleagues – they all need to be given the opportunity to help change their thinking.

We are helping global clients to engage everyone in understanding the transformational challenge and to have the right conversations about what’s required to really deliver on their environmental promises.

Earth Hour will take place this Saturday, March 23rd at 8:30 pm.




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