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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

This policy explains when, how and why BB&A collect personal information about people who visit our website, and Forms people complete on our website.

BB&A automatically log every visitor’s domain and IP address. We do not identify the user, just the computer being used to view our site – and the pages visited. BB&A does not sell any of the information collected from users with third parties.

BB&A also collects information provided by users of the site in a database that BB&A uses to generate follow-up messages – this is where a user might complete a ‘form’ to ‘Contact us’ or to ‘Download’ some of our content – providing us with their name, company name and company email address. Whenever you provide such information we will only use your information in line with all applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). From time to time, we may use the information entered to send users emails about our business services, and general updates about BB&A which we think users might find interesting and relevant. If users don’t want to receive these emails, they can reply to these emails, unsubscribe or update their subscription preferences included on all our marketing emails. BB&A does not sell any of the information collected through Forms with third parties.

Cookies are small files stored on your computer when you visit certain websites. For more information about cookies, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.

BB&A collects information using cookies to generate statistical reports concerning users of our site for BB&A’s internal use only, to identify which of our pages users have been clicking on. We do not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about users. BB&A does not sell or share any of the information gathered using cookies to any third parties and does not currently make any other use of such information. Any cookies data we collect, we keep for 26 months, after which it is deleted in line with the new GDPR laws.

By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of the information mentioned above by BB&A.

Our website may also contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to BB&A’s website, so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

We aim keep our privacy policy up to date and all updates are posted on this page.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy, to find out more about how we are working within the new GDPR guidelines, or if you would like access to the information we hold on you.

Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting our Web site. Access to and use of this Internet Web site (referred to as this “Site”) is governed by the terms and conditions set forth below, as well as any applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations. By browsing, visiting or otherwise accessing or using this Site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth below. As used in this Site, the term “BB&A” is intended to include Birch Bernto & Associates Limited and their respective divisions, subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

Copyright Notice

This Site is protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom, and may be protected by the copyright laws of other countries and jurisdictions as well. Except as specifically permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions governing use of this Site, any copy, other reproduction, display, performance or retransmission of all or any of the contents of this Site is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Please see the section below entitled “Notice Concerning the Use of Documents, Images and Information on this Site.”

Use This Site at Your Own Risk

Every user who visits this Site does so at her or his own risk. BB&A makes no representations or warranties of any kind as to (a) the accuracy or completeness of the information or materials contained in this Site, and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the contents of this Site (which may include factual or typographical errors and/or technical inaccuracies); (b) the availability for use of any copyrighted, trademark or otherwise proprietary materials of third parties which may appear in this Site; (c) the presence or absence of computer viruses or other bugs which third parties may embed in or attach to this Site without BB&A’s knowledge or consent; (d) any software made available for downloading, copying or other use through this Site; or (e) the merchantability, fitness for use, title and/or non-infringement of any or all of the contents of this Site. Regarding communications with BB&A through this Site, BB&A makes no representation or warranty concerning the security of any data transmitted to BB&A, including information relating to potential employment or applications therefor, or any other matter. BB&A shall treat any data or information transmitted to BB&A through this Site as non-confidential and non-proprietary. Neither BB&A nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of this Site, or whose materials or information appear in this Site assumes or accepts any liability, regardless of whether based on contract, negligence, intentional wrongdoing or liability without fault, for any costs, losses, damages (whether direct, indirect, compensatory, special, lost profits, liquidated, consequential or punitive), arising out of or in any way in connection with the user’s access to, browsing of or use of this Site or any of the contents of this Site, without regard to the source of such contents, or with the unavailability or failure of performance of this Site for any reason.

Notice Concerning the Use of Documents, Images and Information on This Site.

Documents, Images and Information Proprietary to BB&A Documents, images and information proprietary to BB&A, including the contents of descriptions of BB&A’s businesses, biographical descriptions of its representatives and personnel, press releases and other public notices, together with any associated graphic elements (collectively referred to as “BB&A Materials”), may be copied, reproduced, downloaded or otherwise used provided the following terms are adhered to strictly: Copyright notice in the form “© 2011 BB&A. Used With Permission. All Rights Reserved.” must appear in every copy or reproduction of such BB&A Materials. The BB&A Materials may be used solely for non-commercial purposes such as informational, entertainment and personal use, and shall not be further copied, uploaded to any network, intranet or Internet, rebroadcast or retransmitted, or otherwise disseminated in any medium without the express written permission of BB&A. The BB&A Materials may only be used in their entirety, without alteration, editing, condensation or editorial comment, and any graphical elements contained in the BB&A Materials may not be used separately from the other elements with which they are associated. The BB&A Materials shall not be used to ridicule, disparage, harass or annoy any client of BB&A. No other use of BB&A Materials shall be permitted. The BB&A Materials available for use as set forth above do not include the design, layout, arrangement or distinctive elements of this Site, or of any other Internet Web site maintained by BB&A or its divisions, subsidiaries or affiliated companies.

Documents, Images, Information and Other Materials Proprietary to Others

The contents of this Site may from time to time contain documents, images, information and other materials not proprietary to BB&A, such as photographs, clip art, film clips, musical passages, audio track or sound effect elements, or the names, tradenames, trademarks, logos or designations of third parties (including present and past clients of BB&A or its featured personnel). All such materials will be referred to as “Non-BB&A Materials.” Non-BB&A Materials may also include from time to time articles, data, information, images, artwork, graphics, music, audio or other elements published in newspapers, magazines or other media or venues, and may include the name, tradename or trademark of the medium or venue in which such materials were published. Any use whatsoever of any Non-BB&A Materials is strictly prohibited unless the prior written permission of the appropriate third parties has been secured.


For the convenience of users of this Site, one or more links to other Internet Web sites may appear from time to time. Except for Internet Web sites maintained by divisions, subsidiaries or affiliated companies of BB&A, the Internet Web sites to which links are provided in this Site are not under the control of BB&A. BB&A assumes no responsibility for the contents of any non-BB&A-linked Internet Web site, or for any potential damage arising out of or in connection with the use of any such link. In addition, the existence of a link between this Site and any other Internet Web site is not and shall not be understood to be an endorsement by BB&A of the owner or proprietor of the linked Internet Web site, nor an endorsement of BB&A by the owner or proprietor of such linked Web site.

Unsolicited Materials

Please note that it is a policy of BB&A not to accept or consider unsolicited creative, production-related or other materials of any kind. BB&A will consider any and all materials, including proposals, ideas, concepts, drafts, rough cuts or finished work product submitted through this Site, not to be confidential or proprietary and to be freely available for use without compensation or payment of any kind.


Any software made available for downloading, copying or use through this Site is proprietary to the individual or entity making such software available. Downloading, copying or other use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of the software licensing agreement relating to such software.