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Improving health, safety and wellbeing

Takeda: Launching a new EHS Management Information System

We helped the global pharmaceutical company, Takeda, to engage its global population of 28,000 employees in using its new EHS Management Information System, helping to shift the company towards a more sustainable EHS culture.

The challenge

Effectively managing Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) is integral to the success of global pharmaceutical company, Takeda. The organisation needed support in engaging colleagues in its new EHS Management Information System (MIS), Beacon.

Our solution

In order to truly engage people, the campaign had to quickly convey why the company had invested in Beacon, how people should use it and what the positive outcomes would look like if people used it in their day-to-day activities.

This meant working closely with the project team to come up with an engaging name for the system and a look and feel for the campaign that ensured it really reflected their culture.

The solution included a pre-launch teaser campaign and, at launch, a series of animations, posters, table talkers and iPad stands. Following the initial roll-out we worked with Takeda to launch the Beacon IS around the world, translating the core Beacon materials in seven languages.

The outcome

We are proud to share that, owing to the success of the campaign:

  • The number of system users grew from 70 to 28,000+
  • There was a 150% increase in number of events reported, from 2,800 to 6,900 events, and
  • 1,040% increase in number of investigations, from 190 to 2,160

“The BB&A team has been wonderful to work with! They always bring a wealth of expertise, creativity and project management skills to every project. They really excel at translating complex topics into crisp and easy to understand messages. BB&A has been our partner on multiple projects and all of the materials and tools produced as well as communications strategy and planning have always surpassed our expectations.

With BB&A’s help, what would normally have taken us days to get across to people took just seconds, thanks to some very powerful messaging and graphics.” 


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