Improving health, safety and wellbeing
Rolls-Royce: Raising awareness of health hazards
We supported the global aerospace company, Rolls-Royce, in helping colleagues to better manage health risks.

The challenge
Often, health risks are not treated with the same level of priority as safety risks in the workplace. While Rolls-Royce had a metric in place to minimise occupational illness, it wanted to ensure that its employees were aware of the health risks they faced at work and could effectively control these risks in order to protect their health and the health of others.
Our solution
Step 1: Engaging leaders in the ‘why’
The long-term impact of health risks can mean individuals are either not aware of how or pay less attention to managing them. It was important that leaders at Rolls-Royce understood why management of health risks was so important and the role they played.
We developed an animation that identified the main health hazards in Rolls-Royce working environments and highlighted the part everyone has to play in managing the risks. A visually engaging infographic, featuring facts and figures about the different types of short and long-term health risks in the workplace, that supported the animation, was used in team meeting discussions and displayed on sites, providing individuals with a global picture of the impact of work-related illness.
Step 2: Health hazards conversations
To enable colleagues to understand and explore health risks, we created a team conversation tool which lifted the lid off a Rolls-Royce site. Featuring different work environments including a shop floor, office, and warehouse, we asked teams to spot the different health hazards. This was used a starting point to discuss how these risks could be controlled and what they need to do to manage the health risks in their work.
The outcome
These tools helped Rolls-Royce to raise awareness of the health risks at work, emphasise the importance of controlling these risks and engaged teams in conversations about the specific risks they faced and how they work effectively as a team to manage them.